Blaxland Real Estate Snapshot

Houses in Blaxland

The 2023 median house price in Blaxland was $1,025,000. If you are an investor, rental properties in Blaxland rent out for an average of $600 PW with an annual rental yield of 3.3%.

Local Facilities in Blaxland

Blaxland is a thriving community with churches, shopping centre, community groups, a library, children’s play centres, bush fire brigade, chamber of commerce and a small industrial area.

Education in Blaxland

Local Government Schools include Blaxland Public School and Blaxland High School.

Private Schools can be located in nearby suburbs of Warrimoo, Valley Heights and Glenbrook.

Key Demographics of Blaxland

According to the 2021 Census, there were 7,434 people living in Blaxland. The median age was 41 and 80.8% of the homes in Blaxland are owner-occupied.