Houses For sale in Springwood NSW

Springwood Real Estate Snapshot

Houses in Springwood

The 2023 median house price in Springwood was $912,500. If you are an investor, rental properties in Springwood rent out for an average of $590 PW with an annual rental yield of 3.5%.

Local Facilities in Springwood

Services available include the Springwood Post Office.

Parks and open spaces include Lomatia Park, Tidswell Reserve, Sassafras Park and Fairy Dell Reserve

Sport and Recreation facilities available include Springwood Oval and Springwood Golf Course

Education in Springwood

Local Government Schools include Ellison Public School, Springwood Public School and Springwood High School.

Private Schools located in Springwood include St Columba’s Catholic College and St Thomas Aquinas Primary School.

Key Demographics of Springwood

According to the 2021 Census, there were 8,423 people living in Springwood. The median age was 48 and 76.8% of the homes in Springwood are owner-occupied.