Houses For sale in Glenbrook NSW
KEY FEATURES Situated in a prime position, adjacent to the...Read More→
Glenbrook Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Glenbrook
The 2023 median house price in Glenbrook was $1,410,000. If you are an investor, rental properties in Glenbrook rent out for an average of $700 PW with an annual rental yield of 2.8%.
Local Facilities in Glenbrook
Facilites in Glenbrook include the Glenbrook Swim Centre, Glenbrook Panthers Bowling Club and Glenbrook Visitor Information Centre.
Local parks include Glenbrook Lagoon, Jellybean Track and Glenbrook Native Plant Reserve.
Education in Glenbrook
Local Government School includes Glenbrook Public School.
Private School located in Glenbrook includes St Finbar’s Primary School.
Key Demographics of Glenbrook
According to the 2021 Census, there were 5,078 people living in Glenbrook. The median age was 44 and 85.7% of the homes in Glenbrook are owner-occupied.