Homes For sale in Winmalee NSW
Winmalee Real Estate Snapshot
Houses in Winmalee
The 2023 median house price in Winmalee was $890,000. If you are an investor, rental properties in Winmalee rent out for an average of $630 PW with an annual rental yield of 3.9%.
Local Facilities in Winmalee
Parks and open spaces include Summerhayes Park, Winmalee Dog Park located at 68/70 Bunnal Ave and Blue Gum Swamp Track located at 132 White Cross Rd.
Education in Winmalee
Local Government Schools include Winmalee Public School and Winmalee High School.
Private Schools can be found in the nearby suburb of Springwood and include St Thomas Aquinas Primary School and St Columba’s Catholic College.
Key Demographics of Winmalee
According to the 2021 Census, there were 6,388 people living in Winmalee. The median age was 40 and 87% of the homes in Winmalee are owner-occupied.